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Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated Instruction- All students learn differently and are at different academic and social levels. The core of my classroom instruction allows for many modifications that I do for all of my students. Some possible modifications that benefit all students may include:

  • Additional time to finish assignments
  • Enrichment work for those who grasp content quickly
  • Small group re-teaching time with the teacher
  • Varying between partner work, independent work, or working as a group
  • Reading assignments aloud
  • Providing verbal and visual instructions/cues
  • Engaging a variety of learning styles

Special Education/Inclusion Ed- I believe in creating a seamless connection between the general ed and special ed classrooms. This requires open communication so that lessons can be appropriately planned and there is a connection between the work being done in both places. I attended a special education inclusion conference that focused on how special and general education teachers can work together to best use special education resources and to allow all students to work to their highest potential. By co-planning with special education specialists, we are helping the students in our classroom reach their highest potential.

Additionally, I have been to all of the IEP meetings for students in my classroom, helped created modifications to best meet their needs, and followed through on those modifications by continually referring to the students' IEP forms throughout the year.

ELL Students- I have experience working with a variety of ELL students, from those just learning English to students who had mastered conversational English but were working towards a more proficient understanding of academic language. Again, many ELL modifications are effective for whole class use, such as clarifying new vocabulary words, providing additional time, modeling expectations, and engaging in explicit instruction.

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